A Wellness Revolution: Why Cannabis Should Be Part of Your Routine
Jul 19 Written By Caress Fitch
July is not only the "Dog Days of Summer," but it's also National Hemp Month, and there's no better time to learn about how hemp can improve your health and wellbeing. Hemp is a type of cannabis plant, and, if you're like many folks, the word "cannabis" probably brings to mind images of hippies, tie-dye shirts, and Bob Marley. But lately, cannabis is having a moment in the mainstream.
Wait a second! Is Hemp Cannabis?
Yes. Hemp and cannabis are the same plants. Cannabis is actually a genus of plants, which includes both hemp and marijuana. Both hemp and marijuana come from the Cannabis sativa plant, but they're different strains. Hemp has low levels of the psychoactive compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), while marijuana has high levels of THC. This is why hemp can be used for things like rope and paper. At the same time, marijuana is typically smoked for its psychoactive effects.
A little Cannabis History ...
Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Only recently has it become taboo in Western culture. Cannabis was legal in the United States until 1937 when it was outlawed under the Marijuana Tax Act. It wasn't until the 1970s that Cannabis was classified as a Schedule I drug, defined as having "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse."
In recent years, there has been a growing movement to decriminalize Cannabis. Many states have legalized it for medicinal purposes; a few have even legalized it for (non-prescription) adult use. With the rise of the wellness movement, people are becoming more open-minded to using Cannabis for its health benefits.
Cannabis and Your Health
Cannabis contains over 60 active compounds called cannabinoids. These cannabinoids interact with our bodies' endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is a network of receptors and chemicals found throughout the body. This system is responsible for maintaining homeostasis, or balance, in the body and helps regulate various functions, including pain, inflammation, sleep, mood, and appetite. When this system isn't functioning correctly, it can lead to health problems.
What are Cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are compounds found in cannabis that bind to receptors in the endocannabinoid system. Many different cannabinoids can be found in cannabis. Some of the most well-known cannabinoids include THC and CBD. THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis (the “high”), while CBD does not have any psychoactive effects. Both THC and CBD are beneficial for a variety of health conditions.
THC gets a bad rap for its intoxicating effects, but it
... is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body from free radicals
... has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation throughout the body
... can help improve sleep quality and quantity
... has been shown to be effective in treating chronic pain
... may help prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease
... has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms
... may be beneficial for cancer patients.

Tincture bottle on fan leaves.
Photo by Kimzy Nanney on Unsplash
Recreational consumers usually ignore CBD because it doesn't make you feel "high," but CBD
... is a natural anti-inflammatory
... helps relieve anxiety and stress
... can improve sleep quality
... has anti-cancer properties
... can help with chronic pain relief
... can improve cardiovascular health
Why Cannabis Should Be Part of Your Wellness Routine
There are many reasons why Cannabis should be part of your wellness routine. Cannabis can help you relax and de-stress, which is vital for maintaining a healthy mind and body. It can also help with pain relief, inflammation, and anxiety. Cannabis is a natural remedy that has a wide range of potential health benefits. So if you're curious about trying cannabis for yourself, there's never been a better time. Here are nine reasons why cannabis should be part of your wellness routine.
Cannabis can relieve pain.
Cannabis can improve mental health.
Cannabis can help you sleep better.
Cannabis can boost your immune system.
Cannabis is anti-inflammatory.
Cannabis can help you lose weight.
Cannabis can improve your skin health.
Cannabis can increase lung capacity.
Cannabis is a potential cancer treatment.
1. Cannabis can relieve pain.
If you suffer from chronic pain, cannabis may be worth considering as part of your treatment plan. Cannabis is known to be an effective pain reliever, and it's much safer than opioids. In fact, a recent study found that cannabis was associated with a 64% reduction in opioid use among chronic pain patients. Cannabis is an effective pain treatment. It is being used more and more to treat chronic pain conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia. Cannabis is also being studied as a potential treatment for other types of pain, such as nerve pain and cancer-related pain.
2. Cannabis can improve mental health.
Cannabis has also been shown to be effective in treating mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. A recent study found that people who used cannabis were less likely to experience depression than those who didn't use cannabis. And another study found that people who used cannabis had lower anxiety levels than those who didn't use cannabis.
3. Cannabis can help you sleep better.
If you're struggling with insomnia, cannabis may be able to help. Cannabis has been shown to improve sleep quality and increase sleep duration. One study found that people who used cannabis were more likely to report getting a good night's sleep than those who didn't use cannabis.
4. Cannabis can boost your immune system.
Cannabis has also been shown to boost the immune system. One study found that cannabis was associated with a higher production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off infections.
5. Cannabis is anti-inflammatory.
Cannabis is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce pain and inflammation. One study found that cannabis was effective in reducing inflammation in rats.
6. Cannabis can help you lose weight.
Cannabis has also been shown to help with weight loss. One study found that people who used cannabis were likelier to have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who didn't use cannabis.
7. Cannabis can improve your skin health.
Cannabis can also improve your skin health. One study found that topical application of CBD-rich oil reduced sebum production. This oily substance can lead to acne.
8. Cannabis can increase lung capacity.
Contrary to popular belief, cannabis can actually increase your lung capacity. One study found that Cannabis use was associated with an increase in the forced vital capacity (FVC), which is the amount of air you can exhale in one breath.
9. Cannabis is a potential cancer treatment.
Cannabis is also being studied as a potential treatment for cancer. While there is not yet enough evidence to say that cannabis can cure cancer, there are some promising studies that suggest it may be effective in treating the disease.
Why Supplement with Cannabis?
By supplementing with cannabinoids, we can help improve the endocannabinoid system's function and promote wellness.
There are many good reasons to supplement with cannabis. First, it is a natural source of essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Second, it is effective in treating many medical conditions, including pain, inflammation, and anxiety. Third, it is non-addictive and does not produce the harmful side effects of many prescription medications. Finally, cannabis is legal in many states, making it easy to obtain and use. Supplementing with cannabis is a safe and effective way to improve your health and well-being.
Consider incorporating hemp into your wellness routine if you’re looking for natural ways to support your health and wellbeing.
How Can I consume Cannabis for Wellness?
When it comes to consuming cannabis, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, start with a low dose and increase it gradually as needed. Second, there are many different ways to consume cannabis, including smoking, vaporizing, eating edibles, and applying topicals. Find the method that works best for you. Third, be sure to purchase your cannabis from a reputable source. Check to see if the company you're buying from has a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) that notifies you of the chemical composition of the plant used. The CoA should also certify that the plant was tested for and found free of harmful chemicals.
Let's break down the five simple steps for using cannabis for wellness. Ready to get started? Let's go!
Decide on your cannabis wellness goal.
Select the cannabinoid and terpene profile that aligns with your goal.
Select the consumption method(s) that align with your goal.
Start with a small amount of quality, organic products and increase gradually as needed.
Use caution when mixing cannabis with other medications/herbs.
Decide on your Cannabis Wellness goal.
Now that cannabis is becoming more mainstream, it's important to set a wellness goal before using it. Do some research and figure out what you want to achieve by using cannabis. Whether it's reducing chronic pain or improving your mental health, setting a goal will help you assess your progress.
Select the cannabinoid and terpene profile that aligns with your goal.
To find the right cannabinoid and terpene profile for your goal, consider what you hope to achieve. Are you looking for relief from pain or anxiety? Do you want to feel more energized or relaxed? Consider the different effects of each cannabinoid and terpene, and choose the one that best aligns with your needs.
Select the consumption method(s) that align with your goal.
Cannabis consumption is not a one size fits all proposition. Consider what your wellness goals are and select the consumption method or methods that will best help you achieve those goals. For example, smoking or vaporizing may be the best option if you want to feel more relaxed. However, edibles or tinctures may be a better choice if you’re looking for long-lasting relief from pain or anxiety.
Start with a small amount of a quality, organic product and increase gradually as needed.
Start low and go slow. That's my advice when it comes to dosing Cannabis. Begin with a small amount and gradually increase the amount until you find the right dose for you. This is important because if you start with too high of a dose, you may have an unpleasant experience. And nobody wants that! So start low, go slow, and find the perfect dose for you.
Use caution when mixing cannabis with other medications/herbs.
Use caution when mixing cannabis with other medications or herbs. Certain medications and herbs can interact with cannabis, so consult a knowledgeable professional before combining them.
So, what’s the verdict? Cannabis should absolutely be part of your wellness routine. It’s a safe, effective way to treat various conditions and can even be used as a preventative measure. It can help improve everything from sleep to anxiety and beyond. How have you added cannabis to your wellness routine? Let us know in the comments below!
#cannabis #wellness
Last Updated: 18 SEP 2023